How SASE Protects Modern IT Networks

High-availability is a critical requirement for any system that needs to operate continuously with minimal downtime or disruption. In the context of SASE designs, high-availability is particularly important, given the distributed and cloud-based nature of these architectures. In this blog, we will discuss the key aspects of high-availability in SASE designs, including redundancy, fault tolerance, and resilience.


One of the fundamental principles of high-availability is redundancy. In SASE designs, redundancy means having multiple copies of critical components, such as servers, storage devices, or network links. Redundancy ensures that if one component fails, another can take over without interruption to service. Redundancy can be implemented at various levels of the SASE system, such as hardware, software, or network infrastructure.

For example, in a SASE design, the cloud-based platform that delivers the network and security services may be deployed across multiple data centers located in different geographic regions. This ensures that if one data center fails, traffic can be automatically rerouted to another data center without disruption to service.

Similarly, the networking infrastructure that connects users and devices to the cloud services may be designed with redundancy in mind. This may involve deploying redundant Internet links, VPN connections, and SD-WAN technologies that can detect and recover from failures automatically.

Fault Tolerance

Another critical aspect of high-availability in SASE designs is fault tolerance. Fault tolerance means designing the system with the ability to detect and recover from failures automatically. In SASE designs, fault tolerance can be achieved through various mechanisms, such as load balancing, virtualization, or other technologies.

For instance, in a SASE design, the security services, such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and zero-trust network access (ZTNA), may be deployed as redundant instances that are distributed across multiple data centers. Traffic can be load balanced across these instances, and if one instance fails, traffic can be automatically redirected to another instance without disruption to service.


Finally, high-availability in SASE designs requires resilience. Resilience means ensuring that the system can recover quickly from failures and continue to operate with minimal disruption. In SASE designs, resilience can be achieved through real-time monitoring and analytics that detect and diagnose issues before they become critical.

For example, in a SASE design, real-time monitoring may involve monitoring network performance, security events, user behavior, and application usage to identify potential problems and address them proactively. This may include detecting anomalies in user behavior, such as unusual login patterns or excessive data transfer, and taking action to prevent potential security breaches.

In summary, high-availability is a critical requirement for SASE designs that need to operate continuously and reliably. Redundancy, fault tolerance, and resilience are the key aspects of high-availability in SASE designs that ensure that the system can withstand failures and continue to operate without disruption.

To achieve high-availability in SASE designs, organizations need to work with SASE providers that offer redundant cloud infrastructure, fault-tolerant networking and security services, and real-time monitoring and analytics. Proper planning, design, and testing are also critical to ensure that the SASE system can meet the required level of availability and minimize the risk of downtime.

By ensuring high-availability in SASE designs, organizations can benefit from a secure, flexible, and scalable network and security infrastructure that can adapt to changing business needs and accommodate the demands of a distributed and remote workforce.

Evolving Solutions can help you get started designing your SASE framework. To learn more, about our Modern Networking practice, click here.

Robert Myhre

Senior Solutions Architect

Robert Myhre is a Senior Solutions Architect at Evolving Solutions and joined the company in 2021.

Photo of Robert Myhre