Calendar of Events

Evolving Solutions and our partners provide a wide range of in-person and virtual events each month. We invite you to join us as your schedule allows.

All Day

IBM Virtual TechU Talks Collaboration

Our Partner IBM TechU is hosting a free weekly webcast series April 7th through July 2nd. They will discuss some of the hot topics which were planned for the curriculum


Mainframe Update with Jim Fyffe and Roger Ecklund

IBM has turned the technology crank again, offering up the follow-on to their IBM ZR1 server. Jim Fyffe and Roger Ecklund will share their thoughts on some of the new capabilities of the IBM Z15 Model T02 server and the unique value IBM Storage can provide when paired with this new offering.

Red Hat User Group Virtual- Omaha

The Omaha Red Hat® User Group goes virtual! Join us for a quick Summit debrief and container discussion. Getting started with containers? Utilize your current Red Hat subscriptions for tools like Podman and Buildah. We will take a few moments to talk about Podman and Buildah, Creating Custom Ansible Modules Using Pexpect presented by Keyva, followed by a brief demo.