How to Craft an All-Encompassing Observability Strategy

Observability has become increasingly important. IT organizations must understand what is happening within their complex IT landscapes to effectively identify challenges and create proactive plans.

This begins by developing an all-encompassing observability strategy – one that is grounded in a holistic business process and automation mentality. A critical component of the strategy is choosing the right solutions that deliver capabilities that can amplify your application performance monitoring, boost functionality, and enhance observability in your organization. IBM Instana is an industry-leading software solution that provides AI-powered automation capabilities and APM tools.

Michael Downs

Chief Technology Officer

Michael is the Chief Technology Officer at Evolving Solutions and joined the company in 2014. Connect with Michael on LinkedIn here.

Photo of Michael Downs

IBM Instana Observability

IBM Instana Observability goes beyond traditional APM solutions by democratizing observability so anyone across DevOps, SRE, platform engineering, ITOps and development can get the data they want with the context they need. Instana automatically delivers continuous high-fidelity data at 1-second granularity and end-to-end traces with the context of logical and physical dependencies across mobile, web, applications and infrastructure.

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