A Networking Team Ready to Meet Your Hybrid Cloud Challenges

When it comes to supporting today’s applications, the design and security of the network are critical considerations. The network is at the foundation of your technology stack. If it is not solid, everything else will crumble. But it is easy for an organization’s networking strategy to get buried amid a host of other IT priorities.

Of course, things have changed.

When organizations sent the bulk of their workforces to work from home last spring, challenges for end-user application experiences arose. This distributed architecture created issues in how to secure and access applications as well as end users.

Even prior to the pandemic, the need to expand and better secure networks was becoming apparent. Modern computing environments require connectivity not just to an organization’s data center or to support an influx of remote workers, but also to access cloud environments and information held on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Today’s networks extend far beyond the four walls and raised floor of the data center or the perimeter of a campus. Networks also consist of applications that may be distributed across hybrid cloud environments and are supported by various toolsets.

Networking for a Distributed Workforce and Hybrid Multicloud

Evolving Solutions recognizes this new reality. As a result, we have expanded our network practice, and I am excited to have been chosen to lead this initiative. I am joined in this effort by a hand-picked team of accomplished networking architects and engineers: Matt Erickson, senior network architect; Julian McRoy, senior network architect; and Andrew Plas, delivery architect. Matt, Julian, Andrew, and I come from different backgrounds and have experience in the data center, on the edge and across all types of client environments, small and large, simple and very complex. Each member of the team has worked on the client side and knows what those networking challenges can look like—that kind of experience is a game-changer as we work with clients. Finally, each has broad expertise in networking: application and cloud infrastructures, containers, virtualization, identity management and security.

Here is what you can expect from the expanded networking practice at Evolving Solutions:

1) Our network practice will seamlessly integrate with our other offerings and practice areas. “Be a team player” is not just one of Evolving Solutions’ three core values; it is at the core of a successful networking strategy. For instance, the Evolving Solutions Enterprise Monitoring and Analytics practice already is collecting network data, allowing us to understand the best way to configure and change networks to suit our clients’ unique needs. Our modern operations strategy also factors in here. In short, we will help you adopt new technologies and gain efficiencies through new techniques and practices so you can direct resources toward new innovations.

2) We will help you secure your network, no matter its reach. The advent of software-defined networking makes it much easier to manage and provision networks across on-premise and public clouds. It is also easier to monitor performance of the network and your applications. The benefits are substantial, and we have deep expertise in this area. We are also experts in security architecture—including security within the data center and to public clouds. In addition, Matt, Andrew, Julian, David and I have deep expertise in segmentation, either at the user level with identity or application levels with group-based policy. Whether those applications exist in one location or are distributed across many clouds, we will make sure everything is connected securely, and connected in a manner that maximizes network and application performance.

3) We will help you move forward. With the expansion of our network practice, Evolving Solutions can now support all levels of application architecture—from the application itself to performance monitoring across and through the stack, and down to the network. We are fully capable of helping you with all your business needs.

Here to Help With Your Networking Needs

I have 21 years of experience in networking. Sometimes I miss the simple days of campus networking and networking with one CLI, but those days are gone. Because of the complexity of networking for distributed environments and hybrid mutlicloud, you need a skilled partner that can design and build a comprehensive networking strategy, then implement that strategy through your organization’s entire IT architecture. I am excited for this opportunity, and I look forward to working with you.

Watch this video to learn how our networking team can provide solutions for your entire stack:

Tony Peters

Networking & Security Practice Director

Tony Peters is the Practice Director for the Networking and Security organizations at Evolving Solutions. In this role, Tony is responsible for leading a team of highly skilled technical, sales, and services professionals spanning networking, network security, and cyber. He also defines the strategy for both practices and oversees the delivery of best-in-class solutions to our clients.

Photo of Tony Peters