7 Steps to Modern Networking

Modern networking connects people and endpoints to applications, instead of connecting network to network. A modern network must be agile and scalable from a cost and business standpoint, allowing for growth depending on evolving transformational needs.

But how do you get there? Deploying a modern networking strategy is an all-encompassing journey. Evolving Solutions has defined seven steps to get you started:

  1.  Develop a software-defined network adoption roadmap to support multicloud solutions
  2.  Assess your existing network and end-user security posture and policies to evaluate their effectiveness in a multicloud environment
  3.  Ensure traceability, consistency, and visibility across security policies
  4.  Evaluate inventory across your network, and take note of what is connected to what
  5.  Prioritize API-driven software-defined capabilities when considering new infrastructure solutions and implement those capabilities gradually in support of initiatives
  6.  Close the gaps between IT and network teams to enable a proactive approach to a modern networking strategy
  7.  Consider business benefits, long-term cost savings, and cost differences compared to what a traditional network might have looked like when evaluating and advocating for your modern networking plan

For more information on how to get started on your Modern Networking journey, read our point-of-view and contact our Modern Networking team.


Tony Peters

Networking & Security Practice Director

Tony Peters is the Practice Director for the Networking and Security organizations at Evolving Solutions. In this role, Tony is responsible for leading a team of highly skilled technical, sales, and services professionals spanning networking, network security, and cyber. He also defines the strategy for both practices and oversees the delivery of best-in-class solutions to our clients.

Photo of Tony Peters