Unlocking Hybrid Network Potential with HPE Synergy and Composable Infrastructure

We all appreciate composers of great works. What if you could compose your own application environment? You can with HPE Synergy and its composable infrastructure. Just as a musical composer arranges notes, instruments, and rhythms to create a harmonious piece, HPE Synergy allows IT professionals to harmonize your IT resources into a dynamic, responsive ensemble that adapts to your business needs with precision and agility. It is a new approach to building the infrastructure that drives your business.

From Cost Center to Customer Fulfilment

There was a time in which one of the first steps to adding to your infrastructure was creating a purchase order. It was an elongated process that made IT a cost center. Now internal IT can treat the business units within your company as customers, getting them what they want with ultra-fast turnaround. By embracing composable infrastructure, you can set up new applications or services quickly and easily to help your business respond quickly to market opportunities or customer demands. This agility transforms IT from a reactive support function into a proactive driver of innovation and competitive advantage.

HPE Synergy Puts You in Charge

With HPE Synergy, you become the maestro of your IT environment, conducting resources to create a symphony of efficiency and performance. Some of the key capabilities this innovative platform offers include:

  • Compose fluid pools of compute, storage, and networking resources
  • Dynamically allocate and reallocate resources as needed
  • Automate infrastructure operations through a unified API
  • Adapt quickly to changing workload demands

Composable infrastructure operates by virtualizing enterprise resources and consolidating them into  flexible pools, all managed through a central interface (API). When new application environments or additional resources are needed, a single IT conductor can take command of the situation and address the need. By using a single web-based interface, IT administrators can quickly provision, adjust, and redeploy resources as needed, without the complexity of managing separate systems.

How Composable Infrastructure differs from HCI

On the surface, composable infrastructure may sound a lot like hyperconverged infrastructure. While HCI was certainly an excellent transitionary step in the evolution of application environmental infrastructures, it simply is not flexible enough for today’s dynamic business environments.

HCI is built on the foundation of building blocks. When more resources are needed, another node is snapped into place. The downside is that this approach is very linear as each new node presents compute and storage together in a single package. Composable infrastructure allows for more granular scalability, allowing you to add individual components such as CPUs, SSDs, GPUs, etc. HCI often leads to overprovisioning due to its fixed-ratio approach while Composable Infrastructure enables precise resource allocation based on specific workload requirements using software-defined intelligence and APIs for dynamic provisioning of resources. It is this flexibility that makes it better suited for environments with diverse and rapidly changing workloads

More Suited for a Hybrid World

Don’t think that composable infrastructure isn’t limited to virtualized environments. It supports both virtualized and bare-metal deployments through a single unified interface. HPE Synergy provides you with your own private cloud where you can create bare-metal servers for those extra demanding or data intensive workloads. This flexibility allows specialized or legacy applications unsuitable for virtualization to run on bare-metal servers while still benefiting from the agility of composable infrastructure. Now you can offer your business units and developers a cloud-like experience, even when provisioning bare-metal resources on-premises.

Continual Repurposing

With its composable infrastructure model, HPE Synergy allows you repurpose both resources and bare metal servers when workloads are no longer needed.  Freed-up resources can be instantly reallocated to other workloads or applications that require them without physical reconfiguration. Even bare-metal servers can be quickly decomposed, and their resources returned to the pool so that they can be used to compose new bare-metal servers or add those bare-metal servers back into resource pools for different workloads as needed. Infrastructure templates can be quickly modified or redeployed to repurpose servers for new workloads. HPE Synergy in fact takes repurposing to the next level as it allows you to create an entire library of images whether it be VMware, Windows, or Linux, allowing you to change the personality of the box upon reboot. Because the operating system is no longer tied to the hardware, you can change from one operating system to another with ease.

Scripted Automation

Not only are the resource pools associated with HPE Synergy fluid, but they are also programmable using open-standards-based APIs. This enables administrators to write and execute scripts that can automatically allocate resources in real-time and control any part of the infrastructure. That means you can significantly reduce the time and effort required for routine operations by automating management tasks that were previously performed manually. This automation not only increases efficiency but also minimizes human error, ensures consistency, and allows IT teams to respond more quickly to changing business needs. Orchestrating your environment can now be a code-driven process that aligns closely with modern DevOps practices and agile methodologies.

Experience the Checklist for Yourself

Transforming your business with HPE Synergy’s composable infrastructure platform offers a multitude of advantages, including:

  • One infrastructure for any workload
  • The ability to automate daily operations
  • The power to deploy at cloud-like speed and scale

But some of the reasons are quantifiable as well according to an IDC report:

  • 22% reduction in IT infrastructure costs
  • 237% increase in IT staff time dedicated to innovation
  • 8% boost in user productivity
  • 35% decrease in operational costs
  • 284% ROI over five years

The versatility of HPE Synergy enables organizations to optimize their infrastructure for a wide range of applications and performance requirements, all within a unified, software-defined framework. This innovative approach is essential for thriving in a digitally transformed world.

Find out more about how this transformational infrastructure technology can benefit you by contacting Evolving Solutions today. We can analyze your current business and infrastructure environments to see if HPE Synergy can transform your business the way it has for so many others.

Jim Pross & Ted Letofsky

Jim Pross – Senior Solution Architect

Jim excels at identifying and addressing client needs, from planning and architecting technical solutions to analytical problem solving. His career has been dedicated to providing exceptional client service and technical support. With a diverse and extensive set of hands-on experiences, Jim has successfully integrated multiple technologies and platforms.  Follow on LinkedIn.

Ted Letofsky – Enterprise Architect

Ted specializing in Storage and Data Protection. He brings extensive hands-on knowledge of HP/HPE, IBM, Sun/Oracle, Hitachi, LSI Logic, IBM, and other leading storage architectures and products. With a strong background in both enterprise and large hovernment storage and data protection architectures, Ted has managed implementations and migrations to storage virtualized environments and developed enterprise-wide data protection solutions. His advanced storage infrastructure expertise ensures he delivers exceptional value to Evolving Solutions’ clients. Follow on LinkedIn.

Photo of Jim Pross & Ted Letofsky